ECSE Executive Council


                          Danita Pitts


State: AR
State Title: Administrator for Early Childhood Special Education B-5     
Year Started as State ECSE Coordinator: 2020
 Website: Division of Elementary and Secondary Education - Offices - Special Education - Early Childhood Special Education (                                                                                               

Previous Positions(s): Early Childhood Special Education Program Advisor, Dispute Resolution Compliance Specialist, Early Interventionist, Teacher, Literacy Specialist/Coach, and State Pre-K Director    

Passion/Belief: ALL humans are born into this world with value. We should strive to create a world where each person’s value shines.                                                                                                                                    



                Dawn Meskil
State: NC
State Title: NC Preschool Exceptional Children (619) Co-Coordinator               Year Started State ECSE Coordinator: 2020                                                                         

Previous Positions(s): Director of the Asheville City Schools Preschool Program, led the opening of the first public Montessori school in Western NC, and served with the NC Part C program as well as Early Head Start.      

Passion/Belief: The best part of co-leading the Preschool Exceptional Children program in NC is supporting local teams as they intentionally design program and service delivery models for young children in their communities.                           


                     Shannon Dunstan
State: ID
State Title: 619 and SSIP Coordinator              
Year Started as State ECSE Coordinator: 2010
Previous Positions(s): Teacher, Social Worker, Business Owner     

Passion/Belief: The best part about leading special education in Idaho is the opportunity to work with an amazing team devoted to improving special education services for children, youth, and their families across the state


                                                    Keashia Walker
State: NC
State Title: NC Preschool Exceptional Children (619) Co-Coordinator
Year Started as State ECSE Coordinator: 2020  

Previous Positions(s): IDEA Lead State Fiscal Monitor; NC PBIS Coordinator, Statewide Behavior Support Consultant; NC Behavior Support Fiscal Specialist; District Early Childhood Director, Assistant Federal Programs Administrator, Transition Coordinator; Social Worker; Parenting Instructor; EC Teacher 

Passion/Belief: Using diverse data-driven supports to enhance opportunity, growth, and knowledge of those who nurture and educate the youngest learners and their families is an essential investment.                                                                                                                               


            Heidi White 
State: CO
State Title: State Director of Early Childhood Special Education        
Year Started as State ECSE Coordinator: 2016                                                                             Website:

Previous Positions(s): State Preschool Director, State Child Find Specialist, Community Outreach Director, Evidence Based Home Visiting Program Manager, Part C State Consultant, Early Childhood Special Educator, Preschool Teacher, Child Care Resource and Referral Manager, Early Childhood Training Coordinator, County Child Care Subsidy Coordinator  
Passion/Belief: Every child deserves inclusive, high-quality early learning experiences that set a foundation for belonging and contributing to their classrooms, schools, and communities.                                                                                                                                  


                                                   Ryan Guzman
State: WA
State Title: Early Childhood Special Education/619 Coordinator                        Year Started as State ECSE Coordinator: 2019 
Website: Early Childhood Special Education | OSPI

Previous Positions(s): Regional Administrator of Early Learning and Special Education, B-5 Early Intervention Specialist, Early Childhood Special Education Teacher, 0-3 Early Intervention Program Manager, ECEAP (State Funded PreK) Lead Teacher, PreK child care provider    

Passion/Belief: Every child deserves access to a high-quality inclusive learning experience regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, ability, or zip code.


             Caitlyn Robinson 

State: LA
State Title: Early Childhood Special Education 619 Coordinator                         Year Started as State ECSE Coordinator: 2022           

Previous Positions(s): State Data Analyst and Security Coordinator, State Teacher Mentor, Math Content Leader, and Instructional Leadership Team Member, Early Childhood Inclusion Teacher

Passion/Belief: The best part about leading special education in Louisiana is the opportunity to change the trajectory of the lives of students with disabilities and their families by improving services, supports, and opportunities for young students with disabilities across the state.