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The ECTA Center supports state Part C and Section 619 programs in developing high-quality early intervention and preschool special education service systems, increasing local implementation of evidence-based practices, and enhancing outcomes for young children with disabilities and their families.

We are a national technical assistance center focused on building state and local system capacity to improve outcomes for children with disabilities and their families. ECTA Center is funded by a cooperative agreement with the Department of Educations Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP).

Our goals:

Increase National Awareness

Increase awareness and recognition at the national level of how IDEA Part C and Section 619 can be intentionally included within broader early childhood initiatives.

Build State Leadership Capability

Build the knowledge and skills of state IDEA Part C and Section 619 Coordinators to implement high quality state systems.

Increase Program Capacity

Increase capacity of Part C and Section 619 programs to implement systems change efforts, improve and sustain state systems, and increase access to, and participation in, high-quality, inclusive programs for young children with disabilities.

Improve Practices

Improve the implementation of effective services and evidence-based interventions, including DEC Recommended Practices, in inclusive settings.

What we do

We provide technical assistance to state Part C and Section 619 programs, including:

  • coaching systems change efforts
  • developing critical new resources for the field
  • facilitating peer learning communities
  • hosting conferences on important national issues
  • responding to individual state requests for assistance

We offer a variety of technical assistance activities and supports including conferences, peer learning communities, products, and individualized TA.