Early Childhood Personnel Center
Our Center is focused on building awareness that an integrated, comprehensive system of personnel development (CSPD) for the early childhood (EC) workforce in every state – one that is cohesive with state and national personnel standards, competencies, and recommended practices, will produce the most successful outcomes for children and families with disabilities.
The requirements for our ECPC II grant continue and expand the work that was initiated and implemented by the ECPC I. With the ECPC II grant, we aim to:
- Achieve increased capacity of State IDEA Part C, Part B, section 619 (619), and other early childhood programs to implement, scale up, and sustain a coordinated comprehensive system of personnel development (CSPD) to ensure local personnel have the competencies to deliver high-quality services and inclusive programs to improve outcomes for young children with disabilities and their families;
Increase the knowledge, skills, and competencies of State (and territory) IDEA Part C and 619 administrators to lead systemic improvement efforts, actively engage in broader early childhood initiatives,
Use TA effectively, and build more effective and sustainable State systems that can support a competent early childhood workforce that can improve outcomes for young children with disabilities and their families; and
Increase knowledge, skills, and competencies of early childhood IHE faculty and other professional development (PD) staff to align programs of study to State and national professional organization personnel standards, integrate Division of Early Childhood recommended practices (RP) into programs of study, and utilize adult learning principles