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Back to School Message from NASDSE President

John Eisenberg


State Directors, it is hard to believe that we are beginning a new school year. Thank you for your excellence and commitment to students. An unprecedented time has required unprecedented leadership, and you have exceeded the expectations of all. I encourage each of you to remain focused on our main purpose, which is to improve functional outcomes and results for children and youth with disabilities.
We are grateful for the additional Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) American Rescue Plan (ARP) funding because we understand that students with disabilities may have been disproportionately impacted by the pandemic. Despite the pandemic, we should continue to set high expectations for our students and give them the tools that they need to be successful. We know that the real issue isn’t “learning loss” but opportunities lost for instruction to meet the holistic needs of learners. The pandemic has catapulted educational leaders into a new landscape that lessens deficit thinking and promotes an ability mindset. We have learned to use science to mitigate the spread of COVID; however, we must use science to mitigate the long-term impact of COVID. I believe firmly that exemplary leaders like you will pivot for the journey ahead.
I encourage you to seek out collaborative partnerships to address accelerated learning for all students and especially students with disabilities. We know that fundamental instructional supports coupled with opportunities to bridge instruction will be critical for each learner. Implementation of evidence-based frameworks such as a Multi-Tiered System of Supports and Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports will help schools to achieve high levels of efficacy.  
In addition to accelerated learning, consider the personalized supports necessary for students, families, teachers, and leaders. I would like to encourage you that the sky is still the limit! Students deserve advanced opportunities for learning to ensure that they are college and career-ready. We are better together, and there is absolutely nothing that we cannot persevere through for the good of our students. We are united as states and territories and cohesively connected with a shared vision. It is at the heart of the vision for the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act that I speak words of courage, resilience, and hope.  
Zelphine Smith-Dixon 
NASDSE President  
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