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#BACK2SCHOOL with #NASDSE Twitterchat on July 24th

Valerie Williams
The time to re-open schools is rapidly approaching and states are making plans to have a safe return to school in the fall, however many questions remain.  Join a NASDSE twitter chat for #Back2School on Friday July 24th from 7-8 pm EST to get re-opening resources, share your concerns and discuss what your state or community is doing in preparation to ensure the safety of school personnel and students.

Questions will be as follows:
  1. What do you see as the biggest barrier to safely reopening school buildings? #NASDSE #Back2School
  2. What problems have been exposed during the #COVID19 pandemic? #NASDSE #Back2School
  3. What was learned during distance learning that helps to facilitate the transition back to school? #NASDSE #Back2School
  4. Does your state/district have a process and supports in place to determine academic losses and remediation?  Is equity a part of the plan? #NASDSE #Back2School
  5. Does your state/district have health protocols and a plan for building reopening, or procedures to determine how to assist students who require hands-on assistance and close proximity without creating mutual risk? #NASDSE #Back2School
  6. As a parent, or part of the education community, what will you personally be doing differently when school reopens, regardless of the format? #NASDSE #Back2School
  7. Ultimately, do you believe the pandemic will change the structure of education permanently, or will the current considerations be reversed in the future? #NASDSE #Back2School
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