What is a NASDSE
Affinity Group?
- The affinity groups of NASDSE are individuals, not including the State Director of Special Education, defined by a common job function identified by the NASDSE Board of Directors that may benefit from professional support opportunities.
- Affinity group representative includes any person designated by the State Education Agency (SEA) who has specific responsibility for the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Part B programs and services regarding the education of children and youth with disabilities.
- At its discretion, the NASDSE Board of Directors may establish affinity groups of the Association to include groups of individuals not defined as State Directors of Special Education who choose to identify with NASDSE and apply for affinity representation. To participate as a representative of affinity groups, participants must be in a state considered to be in good standing under the NASDSE bylaws.
- An affinity group elects representatives to serve on an executive council who are responsible for leading the affinity group's activities and collaborating with and reporting to the NASDSE Board of Directors and staff. The Executive Council comprises a chair, vice chair, past chair, secretary, and three representatives-at-large.
- NASDSE provides an affinity group liaison to work with and support the Affinity Group Executive Council and representatives, attend all meetings, receive all communications, and liaise with the NASDSE Executive Director and staff, NASDSE Board of Directors, OSEP, National TA Centers, and other partners.
Affinity group representatives and Executive Council Requirements
- Collaborate and provide input to the NASDSE Executive Director and Board of Directors regarding NASDSE’s Strategic Plan.
Develop an annual plan of initiatives that aligns with the NASDSE Strategic Plan.
Deliver a quarterly report to the Board of Directors. This may be in person or virtual. The NASDSE staff will provide the report format.
All NASDSE policies, procedures, and strategic plans must be followed.
Affinity group members must be from a NASDSE member state/territory in good financial standing.