June 2022 - OSEP TA Center Highlights

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June 2022 - OSEP TA Center Highlights

John Eisenberg
NASDSE’s Recommended Resources for State Directors of Special Education –May 2022

National Center for Systemic Improvement
     General Soup Episode 3: “Mailbag!” – Podcast
Episode 3 is the first ever mailbag episode
Center for IDEA Fiscal Reporting
     Understanding the IDEA Part B State Grant Funding Cycle and Different Fiscal Years – Brief
Understanding the IDEA Part B State Grant Fundinghttps://wested.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5a74e1f57d87caee6352d598c&id=b1a5a6943b&e=f08e2f2a2a Cycle and Different Fiscal Years
National Center on Educational Outcomes
     Participation Communications Toolkit – Toolkit
participation communications toolkit
National Center on Deaf-Blindness 
     The Impact of Deafblindness on Learning and Development – Professional Development Module
New NCDB Professional Development Series | National Center on Deaf-Blindness (nationaldb.org)
Center for integration of IDEA Data
     CIID Data Integration Toolkit – June 29, 2022, Webinar
June 29, 2022, from 2:00-3:00 pm ET
SISEP Center
     Implementation Science for Educators Podcast: Episode 27-Learning About “Readiness” From the EIC Project – Podcast 
Implementation Science for Educators | Podcast on Spotify 
OSEP’s Recommended Resources in Update Newsletter – May 2022
National Center on Deaf-Blindness
    The Importance of Identifying Infants and Toddlers with Combined Vision and Hearing Loss – Article
The Importance of Identifying Infants and Toddlers with Combined Vision and Hearing Loss
TIES Center
     Inclusive Leaders Video Journal – Journal
Inclusive Leaders Video Journal
     Inclusive Leadership Series: Video Clip Library – Video Clips  
Inclusive Leadership Series: Video Clip Library

SISEP Center
     Cultivating Leadership – Interactive Learning Module  
ECTA and DASy Centers 
     Indicators of Effective Technical Assistance Practices – Brief
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