Welcome to the Conference

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Welcome to the Conference

John Eisenberg

Welcome #NASDSE2021 Attendees!
Today, we welcome you to #NASDSE2021, our 83rd annual Conference and Business Meeting! Like last year, we along with others worldwide have had to pivot to a virtual event due to COVID-19.
For nearly two years, students, families, educators, instructional support personnel, and others who work in our field have had to show resilience and adapt to new ways of engaging and collaborating.   We’re optimistic about returning to some semblance of normal, while maintaining flexibilities necessary to make needed changes that will benefit students.
We have all learned a great many lessons since last year. Once again, we’ve brought you what we believe will be a wonderful virtual experience and we’re confident you’ll enjoy the same excellent professional development in this new format just as we did for the first time in 2020.
Our theme this year is Relief, Relationships and Results.
We’ve kept some traditional elements in our format for the conference plus a few changes.
The NASDSE business meeting will take place on Monday, October 18th, and will be an all-day meeting (11:30 am – 6 pm EST) to be certain there’s plenty of time for a robust exchange of ideas. It will be live-streamed and will be available to NASDSE members only and their invited state department of education guests. 
Other conference highlights:
  • 619 Affinity Group business meeting will be live streamed simultaneously.
  • Also streaming at the same time, our Data Managers Affinity Group business meeting
  • 30 Breakout Sessions
  • 15 Vendor Demonstration Sessions
  • 3 Live-streamed Keynote Addresses
  • An awards ceremony and swearing-in of your new Board of Directors will be live streamed on Monday, October 18th at 6:15 p.m. EST
We are so very pleased you’ve chosen to attend our conference this year and we’re looking forward to lively discussions, learning and providing our attendees with great professional development opportunities.
Be sure to engage us across all our social media channels and by joining and participating in conversations about your conference sessions throughout the week on Twitter by following the hashtag #NASDSE2021. Have a great conference!
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