Valerie Williams
By Zelphine Smith-Dixon
NASDSE Board President
As State Directors for Special Education, we develop and partner with local school districts and communities to address the unique needs of approximately seven million students with disabilities across this country. The onset of the global pandemic has changed our personal lives, operating systems, social norms, and the educational system; however, COVID-19 has not compromised our commitment to students and families.
As we consider the continued reality of the global pandemic, I would like to encourage you that the sky is still the limit! We are better together, and there is absolutely nothing that we cannot persevere through for the good of our students. We are united as states and territories and cohesively connected with shared vision. It is the heart of the vision for the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act that I speak words of courage, resilience, and hope. Courage is required to persevere during this difficult time and lead from a place of strength and innovation knowing outcomes for students are still on the line. It requires courage to lead from this place but demands resilience to stay in this place. At the end of the day, we must remain hopeful and allow our passion to preserve us and make us better.
When asked how does NASDSE lead during uncertain times, I answered in a manner like only a premier membership organization could!
Never lose sight of how powerful your presence is. Virtually show up for each child.
Always be willing to go first because leading leaders are first responders.
Slow down enough to engage other stakeholders; you do not have to do the work alone.
Do not be silent. Use your voice.
Stay focused on the who and the why not just the what and how!
Embrace the moment and remain pivotable.
I share this moment of strength and hope with you for the days ahead.
Zelphine Smith-Dixon, Ed.D., is president of the National Association of State Directors of Special Education and the State Director of the Georgia Department of Education Office of Federal Programs, Division for Special Education Services and Supports in Atlanta, Ga.